Prior to your dental implants and dental bridge in Turkey,
You should:
-Inform your dentist (and CTT representative) about any medication you regularly use and any health problems as well as any allergies you have. Prior to the video consultation, you will be asked to fill in a medical history form in which you should mention all of these accurately. Your treatment plan will be based on this form.
-Inform your dentist (and CTT representative) if your menstrual period comes up to the treatment date.
-Stop smoking at least 1 week before. The earlier you stop, the better it is to keep the veins hygienic and to reduce microbial factors.
-Stop taking anti inflammatory medications or any blood thinners such as aspirin at least 15 days before since they may increase the risk of bleeding.
-Stop taking multivitamins including vitamin A ve E at least 15 days before since they may increase the risk of bleeding.
-Stop drinking herbal teas at least 15 days before since they may increase the risk of bleeding.
-Stop eating blood thinner fruits such as cherry at least 15 days before since they may increase the risk of bleeding.
CLICK HERE to read our dental treatments in Turkey.